
Wow, who would ever guess it? Can you believe that in this past week we have gotten….. FIVE NEW PUPPIES!?!?! I know, pretty crazy huh? The first ones we got are two female baby German Shepherds who a friend of the kids school gave Angel and Florence for free! Want to see them? here you go!

Kansas and El Paso 202Here is Daisy(she is Angel’s)

Kansas and El Paso 196And here are the two of them

The other three (one is Natalie’s, one is Sunny’s and one is Florence’s) are cute little poodles, two girls and one boy that we bought yesterday and today!

DSC05013These are L to R: Chiquis (girl), Snow Puff (boy) and Snowflake!(girl)


DSC05016This is Florence’s cute Snow Puff!


DSC05013This is the Second oldest puppy: Snowflake! (she is Sunny’s)


DSC05017And this is the Little one…. Chiquis…..

So that adds up to 8 dogs in our home! Well for now anyway because one of the German Sheperds is going to go live with a friend because Florence decided to keep Snow Puff instead, and we will be leaving taking three of the dogs (Candy, Fluffy and Snowflake) with us.

Well that ends that, hope you had fun reading!

PS. You can check out Aunty Sarah’s post on this at

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10 Responses to Doggies!

  1. Shannon says:

    Awwww they’re absolutely adorable!!! I wish I had a puppy…chiquis is the cutest! Whose is she?

  2. Nikki says:

    Oh just so u know the last comment was by me I just didn’t realize it had shannon’s name

  3. 2wildwindyheart says:

    Chiquis is Natalie’s

  4. Flo says:

    hey i had no choice but to give my german shepard away…i miss hoo.

  5. Flo says:

    Gazts! The german shepards look sooo small there! well duh they are german shepards.

  6. 2wildwindyheart says:

    I know! Now she is HUGE!! But she still has that same adorable, sad face of hers….. sigh…. I wish she was mine…

  7. Kwan says:

    Absolutly adorible

  8. Kwan says:

    Absolutely adorable,I was living in a home (Jomtien not like it means anything to you though) yeah there was a huge German Sheperd ( a mixed breed between a German Shepard and a wolf quiet a cool mix huh?!!)

  9. Pingback: TOOOOT! | A drop of Sunshine…

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